Thursday, January 18, 2007

For future readers of Stephen King

Bill Brittain's books are weird, creepy and eerie. They are straight out of The Twilight Zone. The Wish Giverhappens in Brittain's favorite town, Coven Tree, and this is how the events begin:

At first the ragged, mildew-spotted tent down under the birch trees seemed like nothing more than a mound of earth with canvas thrown over it. I must have walked by it two or three times before even noticing the little sign hanging out in front:
Thaddeus Blinn
I can give You
You ask for
only 50 c
People take the mysterious little man up on his offer, with horrible results. Other stories of Coven Tree are revealed in Devil's Donkey and Dr. Dredd's Wagon of WondersThese books are from the 1980's and some may only be available in libraries, but they are classics of humor, horror and fantasy.
P.S. They are written with 4th or 5th graders in mind, but adults like them, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, don't forget classic horror. Usborne Books has some adaptions of the classics meant for ages 10 and up. See specifically The Usborne Book of Classic Horror, which includes Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.